[julie anne]
I've been a bad blogger. There, I said it.
In addition to The Shark, I write - or am supposed to write - for my personal blog on a regular basis, but, like the hefty price tag of my student loans, I had put them out of my mind in favor of reading case books, briefing cases and writing my first Legal Research and Writing memo.
Turns out that what people say about the first year of law school being a major time suck really is true.
Where I've been a bad blogger, however, I've been a "good" law student - I've gone to every class and have read the material - and an OK everything else, i.e. girlfriend, daughter, martial arts student, regular gym goer, regular dish and clothing washer, etc.
And I've done so without a single "FML" Facebook status update.
I've heard some people say that they are able to handle their day-to-day activities without scheduling them. But I honestly think I would not have been able to get through these first months of law school, and keep my sanity and my relationships, without doing so.
I've been finding it helpful to schedule all the "events" I have coming up for the following week - both law school-related and personal - in a personal planner that breaks down the days by the hour. Depending on how much time is needed, I group events in blocks of anywhere from one -and-a-half to three hours.
In pen, I block out my law school classes, my gym schedule and my weekend karate class.
In pencil, I block out the reading that must be done so I can adjust the time accordingly if I need to spend more time on any given subject, and any errands or chores that must be done
You'll notice that I haven't mentioned blogging. And I've done that to, um, illustrate a point. If I don't write something in and just think about doing something, I never get to it.
For some reason, a to-do list seems more daunting when it's floating around in your head, than when it's fixed onto paper. As such, that floaty to-do list never gets done.
Rather than drive me crazy with what could be seen as micro managing my days, the schedule actually gives me some relief when I see that, yes, there is time to sleep, spend time with The Boyfriend, and indulge in a show or movie from Hulu or Netflix.
And, yes, write a blog post.
If you're a 1L, what are you doing to keep your sanity? If you are an older student, or have graduated from law school, what did you do?
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