I thought everyone registered for their fall schedule a while ago, but it looks like Berkeley Law kids have their second round of class selection today. In honor of selecting a class schedule I've compiled a list of possible schedules, and what each one says about that particular student. While I realize that some classes fill quickly and it's not always possible to cash in on your ideal schedule, everyone enters the registration fray with a schedule in mind. Schedule breakdowns go a little like this:
The Front-Week Load (FWL): The FWL is a dedicated student that has an eye on their weekend plans. They don't want a pesky one hour Friday seminar to come in the way of their kayaking trip; Friday must be free for travel to the nearest patch of wilderness. The FWL focuses mainly on extracurricular (and granola) activities.
The Back-Week Load (BWL): The BWL is a lot like the FWL, except their goals are 180 degrees apart. Where the FWL focuses on travel, the BWL is a massive party animal. While it may seem counter-intuitive to pack all your classes in the end of the school week, and possibly impact drinking on Friday, the BWL knows that they have a full weekend of drinking ahead of them and need Monday (and maybe Tuesday) to recover from the unavoidable debauchery.
The Free Evenings: Mr./Ms. Free Evening takes whatever smattering of morning and midday classes available so that they are able to spend their evenings free from the law school world. While you might think that free evenings translate to free evenings of fun and adventure, it's more likely that they are just matching their schedule with small screen entertainment. Yep, this is your reality TV junkie that will not miss American Idol, What Not To Wear, or one of the several hundred Law & Order spin offs under any circumstances.
The Early Morning Only: The Early Morning Only schedule is your gunner. Their one dying wish is to schedule classes even earlier in the morning so that deadbeat (read: normal) law school students won't bring down the level of conversation. The Early Morning Only student didn't drink a triple vanilla soy latte to gloss over every possible outcome in a rule against perpetuity hypo—they want rigor and nuance.
The "Time Between Classes:" The "Time Between Classes" schedule is the dark horse of the potential law school schedules. This student might be the smartest around because they don't pack classes back-to-back. This allows them time to prepare for the upcoming lecture, which means they won't be caught off guard in Socratic purgatory.
The Whatever My Love For Environmental/Tax/Immigration/Etc. Law Will Allow: Ahh, the dedicated student. This student is so focused on their one concentration of the legal world that they really don't care when a course is offered. While their dedication to one area of law is admirable, the potential for a chaotic schedule to take its toll at the end of the semester is huge. Beware of this student around the middle of October.
The Night Owl: One word: lazy.
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