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November 23, 2009


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Awww. We'll miss you.


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what happened why are you not updating the the Shark anymore?

Dean McAdams

It was great while it lasted!

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It’s a nice and awesome blog. It contains nice information in the site. It really help me a lot, Thanks

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nicely written !

Richard French

very nicely written !

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Any chance of coming back, or linking us to your new site? The last few months have been missing your insight and your humor. Please let us know!

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Sad to know.. I wish you all the best.. Good Luck!

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Hate to see you go!

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Any hope of a return? It looks as though you are missed pretty badly.

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The question is - how long could a shark live out of water - ie before
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missed you.. hope to see soon again.

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Hi i like you but no missed you hope dear


we will miss you
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Hey there, thanks for stopping by.

As of November 19, 2009, we are no longer updating The Shark.

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In the name of God, That is it.God bless you all, and God bless America !

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