One of the girls was a blonde who wore a starched button-down, pencil skirt, and pumps. The other girl was a redhead who wore a school T-shirt, jeans, and flipflops. They looked like catalog models for Express and the school bookstore.
I don’t know if it was staged, but the two girls started sparring during the Q&A session.
They were tit-for-tat for the entire Q&A session: if the blonde did things one way, the redhead did the complete opposite.Redhead: “I love, love, love Microsoft OneNote. I have amazing categories for all of my notes and can show y’all how to make custom functions!”
Blonde: “I don’t even bring my laptop to school. I hand-write all my notes.”
Redhead: “OneNote is really useful for your outlines. I make these sprawling outlines with multicolored tabbies!”
Blonde: “I don’t outline. I’m all about flash cards.”
Both girls were successful students and had completely different habits and personalities. The exchange really illustrated the cliché: “Do what works for you.”
Many of you 1Ls will find out that law students love to give advice. The motives for the advice givers are mixed (cue the Eurythmics). Some upperclassmen are condescending or just want to see how long it will take to make you cry, but I suspect that most students genuinely want to be helpful.Just remember to take all advice with a grain of salt. There is no universal magic method or secret. Other law students can tell you what works for them, but ultimately you have to figure out what works for you.
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Posted by: innduuch | December 10, 2011 at 01:08 AM