I'll admit it: I really enjoy Twitter. I've had some brushes with comedic genius on the site (others, not my own), and I am so lazy that 140 characters actually feels like a feat once written. I also particularly enjoy searching the Twitter feeds for subject matter that interests me. Snack foods, Jay-Z, shopping in Los Angeles, reactions to plane crashes. A recent search of "#barbri" (inspired by a friend on my list who is currently in BarBri) resulted in some funny/sad/otherwise empathy-inducing finds:
@markadams44: thinks there must be a better way to provide legal education. But maybe not. #barbri (And I'm not bashing Barbri.)
@jakblackwood: Another day of bullshit taped #Barbri lectures.... I hope I'm paying less than the guys seeing it live.
@jakblackwood: I'd rather be outside in this #thunderstorm/ #hailstorm than sit in #barbri lectures
@JessieBregant: Learning Agency and Partnership from a guy who sounds disturbingly like Homestar Runner. #barbri
@mental_drivel: Why is there a dude studying for #barbri with a headband on?
Good times had by all, I would say.
P.S. You can follow The Shark on Twitter (with more content than appears here on the blog).
Haha - I can't believe I didn't think of trying #barbri sooner. Twitter is turning out to be a great tool for mass bar catharsis (cabarsis?)...
Really eating my words too... http://theshark.typepad.com/weblog/2008/11/twitter-is-all-hype-and-buzz-shields-up.html Sorry Chris Braun, I gave up and sold out...
Posted by: Brian | June 10, 2009 at 06:02 PM
Also got way into ellipses, apparently...
Posted by: Brian | June 10, 2009 at 06:04 PM
It's only through Twitter that I've realized how much I love exclamation points. !!!!!!!
Posted by: Cynthia | June 11, 2009 at 11:45 AM
We are looking to help law students.
101 MBE Topics You Should Know
1. The Nature of Judicial Review
2. The Separation of Powers
3. The Relationship Between the Federal Government and State Governments 4. Individual Rights
5. Fundamental Rights
6. State Action
7. Commerce Clause
8. Due Process
9. Equal Protection
10. First Amendment Freedoms
11. Prior Restraint
12. Mutual Assent
13. Consideration
14. Third-Party Beneficiary Contracts
15. Assignment of Rights
16. Delegation of Duties
17. Statute of Frauds
18. Parol Evidence
19. Constructive Conditions
20. Frustration of Purpose
21. Impossibility of Performance
22. Discharge of Duties
23. Damages
24. Homicide
25. Manslaughter
26. Larceny
27. False Pretenses
28. Embezzlement
29. Burglary
30. Robbery
31. Battery
32. Assault
33. Attempt
34. Solicitation
35. Conspiracy
36. Right to Counsel
37. Right to a Fair Trial
38. Double Jeopardy
39. Searches
40. Seizures
41. Requirement of Personal Knowledge
42. Objections
43. Presumptions
44. Judicial Notice
45. Refreshing Recollection
46. Impeachment
47. Expert Testimony
48. Attorney-Client Privilege
49. Marital Privileges
50. Completeness Rule
51. Hearsay
52. Excited Utterances
53. Present Sense Impressions
54. Statements for Purposes of Medical Diagnosis
55. Statements of Physical or Emotional Condition
56. Business Records
57. Past Recollections Recorded
58. Statements Against Interest
59. Fee Simples
60. Defeasible Fees
61. Life Estates
62. Reversions
63. Executory Interests
64. Vested Remainders
65. Contingent Remainders
66. Joint Tenancies
67. Tenancies in Common
68. Subletting
69. Assignments
70. Settlors
71. Trustees
72. Beneficiaries
73. Rule Against Perpetuities
74. Fixtures
75. Essential Terms
76. Equitable Conversion
77. Marketable Titles
78. Mortgages
79. Lien Theories
80. Title Theories
81. Foreclosure
82. Land Conveyances
83. Adverse Possession
84. Conveyances by Will
85. Recording Statutes
86. The Four Unities
87. Trespass
88. Conversion
89. Negligence
90. Duty
91. Breach
92. Foreseeability
93. Causation
94. Products Liability
95. Strict Liability
96. Nuisance
97. Invasion of Privacy
98. Defamation
99. Assumption of Risks
100. Contributory Fault
101. False Imprisonment
Posted by: Jeff | June 14, 2009 at 06:40 AM
Hi Brian,I completely agree with you ie. Twitter is turning out to be a great tool for mass bar catharsis. In fact , it is possible through twitter.
Posted by: Cruise Deals | January 21, 2010 at 05:01 AM