[julie anne ines]
The ABA Journal recently posed a question that I’m sure many a lawyer and many a graduating law student have been asked: “If you could start from scratch, would you opt to take the LSAT and go to law school?”
Basically, can you see yourself going back in time in order to prevent a depressing future, a la disturbingly hot man-boy Zac Efron in the movie 17 Again?
I haven’t had the, um, privilege of seeing the movie, but I imagine it has something to do with a troubled middle-ager who gets a second chance to do things differently and learns some things along the way to a happy ending.
Unfortunately, life is nothing like it is in the movies.
In real life, we live with the consequences of our actions. And, in the case of law school, those consequences can add up to debt in the six-figures and work that isn’t as fulfilling or as profitable as one pictured while an idealistic law student, according to many of the posters on in the ABA Journal’s comment section.
Here’s a gem from poster “Captain Obvious”:
More heartening comments after the jump.
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