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The Shark

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April 16, 2009


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arizona bankruptcy attorney

Law schools probably should cut back the number of attorney's they are putting out. No one is really hiring, except maybe at a few corporations who need a lawyer on staff. That situation won't get better anytime real soon.

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Hmmmmm...let's select less students so we look more prestigious...never mind that we're a brand new school!

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Thanks for sharing! Seems like there are some new ideas that everyone can learn.


I guess it's a good school...just not sure if it's the best.

FAS 109

Yah...seems like it make sense. I always love a little innovation.

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Gotta love a little innovation...keep it up.

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The Sharks currently use "Seek & Destroy" by Metallica as their entrance song.
Any time the Sharks go on the power play, the Jaws theme song is played while the fans do "The Chomp," extending their arms in front and moving them up and down to form a chomping jaw. The song played after each goal is an instrumental version of "Rock and Roll Part 2" by Gary Glitter.

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