Never mind that it's yet to hold a class. Never mind that its short history has been fraught with politicking and conflict. Never mind that no one in the world wants another law school. Goddamn it, Irvine is amazing!!!
That's the message of the press release UC Irvine's new law school sent out today, announcing that they are the most competitive law school in the U.S. This, readers, is a Bogus Law School Stat. What's its qualification for being the big man on campus? It's accepted a mere 4% of its applicant pool, the lowest of any law school in the country. Yale rings in at 7% and Stanford at 9%. Never mind that Irvine practically invited an outpouring of wildly underqualified applicants to pad these numbers by offering free tuition to its inaugural class. NEVER MIND.
Full release with lots of details after the jump.
IRVINE, Calif., April
16, 2009—
New UC Irvine School
of Law Is the Most Selective of Any U.S. Law School
The University of California, Irvine School of Law has chosen its inaugural class by accepting only 4% of its applicants, making it the most selective of any law school in the nation.
UC Irvine accepted only 110 of a total of 2,741 applicants to fill its 68 first-year positions, for an acceptance rate of 4%. By comparison, Yale Law School at 7%, and Stanford Law School at 9%, are the only other law schools with single-digit acceptance rates, according to the most recent data available from the American Bar Association (2007).
UC Irvine received more than 40 applications for each of its positions in its first class, which is also a first among law schools by a wide margin. The most competitive law schools typically receive around 20 to 30 applications per slot, according to ABA data.
The law school’s yield rate, or the percentage of admitted students who choose to attend, is 62%, with 68 students committing to come from 110 who were accepted. This is second only to Harvard Law School, which has a 68% percent yield rate, and Yale, with a 78% rate, according to ABA data.
The law school’s high selectivity allowed it to field a class mirroring that of top law schools. The incoming class will have a median grade point average of 3.65 and a median LSAT score of 167. That puts it on par with law schools rated in the top 20 in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.
UC Irvine’s founding dean, Erwin Chemerinsky, attributes the high number of applications per position and the high quality of the incoming class to the strength and support of the University of California, Irvine, to the high quality of the founding faculty, and to the three-year, full-tuition scholarship offered to each member of the first-year class.
“We are extremely pleased to have fielded such a high-caliber inaugural class,” said Chemerinsky. “Along with a faculty that was ranked in the top 10 in the nation in a recent study, this will allow us to be considered among the best law schools in the country from the very start,” he said. “Our goal and the university’s goal was to be a top 20 law school from the moment we open our doors in August.”
UC Irvine School of Law’s inaugural class of 68 is 56% female and 44% male, 37% students of color, and its average age is 25. Almost half the students graduated from out-of-state colleges and universities.
Contact: Rex Bossert, assistant dean for communications and public affairs, (949)824-3063, [email protected].
About University of
California, Irvine School of Law
UCI School of Law seeks to create the ideal law school for the 21st century by doing the best job in the country of training lawyers for the practice of law at the highest levels of the profession. Each member of UCI’s inaugural class of 68 students will arrive in August supported by a three-year, full-tuition scholarship and a nearly 3:1 student to faculty ratio. The 15 members of UCI’s founding faculty are drawn from top schools and have already been ranked in the top 10 in a recent study. The Law School’s innovative curriculum stresses hands-on, interdisciplinary study and public service. About 70 law firms and employers have already signed on to interview on campus.
Law schools probably should cut back the number of attorney's they are putting out. No one is really hiring, except maybe at a few corporations who need a lawyer on staff. That situation won't get better anytime real soon.
Posted by: arizona bankruptcy attorney | May 31, 2009 at 05:36 PM
Hmmmmm...let's select less students so we look more prestigious...never mind that we're a brand new school!
Posted by: Bucket Trucks for Sale | April 13, 2010 at 12:12 PM
Thanks for sharing! Seems like there are some new ideas that everyone can learn.
Posted by: Student Loan Debt Forgiveness | November 20, 2010 at 07:16 PM
I guess it's a good school...just not sure if it's the best.
Posted by: Katy TX CPA | November 28, 2010 at 06:47 PM
Yah...seems like it make sense. I always love a little innovation.
Posted by: FAS 109 | December 25, 2010 at 06:15 PM
Gotta love a little innovation...keep it up.
Posted by: Unfiled Tax Returns | July 15, 2011 at 10:52 AM
The Sharks currently use "Seek & Destroy" by Metallica as their entrance song.
Any time the Sharks go on the power play, the Jaws theme song is played while the fans do "The Chomp," extending their arms in front and moving them up and down to form a chomping jaw. The song played after each goal is an instrumental version of "Rock and Roll Part 2" by Gary Glitter.
Posted by: NFL Jerseys Wholesale | December 05, 2011 at 11:16 PM