An attorney by the name of John Dolan has announced plans to open a nonprofit law school in Indio. For those not in the know, Indio is a desert town near Palm Springs, perhaps best known as the home of Coachella.
The law school will focus on a "complete law school education" (what's that?) with a focus on trial advocacy and and alternative dispute resolution.
According to Dolan's bio on his law office's site, he specializes in traffic violations, DUI, criminal law, and white collar crimes. He's also been on Fox News and MSNBC, is a champion debater (once described by Professor Laurence Tribe as a "tour de force"), was once a member of the rock band The Wild Ones, and has been married to "Irene the Queen" for 33 years. In his spare time, he writes books like the "wildly successful" The Lawyer's Joke Book.
I'm not sure that his bio, wildly interesting font-formatting notwithstanding, shows any sign that he's the next Velvel. But one's gotta wonder, right? I mean, another law school? Really?
Dolan is currently involved in fundraising efforts and is accepting donations to the school.
Obviously Dolan hasn't been reading about all the law firm lay offs recently, or he wouldn't be planning on opening up ANOTHER school to produce lawyers.
Posted by: JT | April 08, 2009 at 07:45 AM