Chances are you’re all about Facebook; you spend hours a day on gchat; you’ve got more RSS feeds than you can keep up with; and against your better judgment you’ve joined the Twitter hypolution.
Still, there are probably a few hours a day that you don’t spend “connecting with friends,” so maybe you’d like to add to Advanced Advocates to your Web 2.0 portfolio.
According to an item I read yesterday at the Social Media Law Student (“SMLS”) blog, Advanced Advocates is “a new social networking site designed for and open exclusively to law students.”
It’s Facebook for law students. I guess nobody pointed out to them that law students are allowed to join Facebook or that most law students have taken advantage of this opportunity. I joined anyway, just to check it out.
While I’m not sure that law students really want another way to connect with other law students, Advanced Advocates does have some features that could be useful.
For instance, the site has searchable brief and outline databases. Also, there is a “Clerk Ratings” feature which basically allows users to rate their employers (the name is slightly misleading, as the idea is that users will want to rate legal employers of any kind).
The site also includes a less useful “Bookstore,” feature which would be cool if, instead of just hawking products, it allowed users to sell their used books to other law students a la
A one-stop hub for briefs, outlines, student employer reviews, and book sales is actually a pretty good idea. The biggest problem with the site right now, as SMLS points out, is that there are only around 40 users. The site relies on users to upload their briefs and outlines to the databases, which I doubt many will do. No users means empty databases which means no reason to join, which means no new users.
If it wants to get this thing off of the ground, Advanced Advocates might want to start putting together the databases itself. This is one of those “if you build it, they will come” situations.
Right now it looks like my Advanced Advocates profile will be dormant for quite a while, but if at some point you do decide to join, friend me. We can talk about how much we hate the latest Facebook update.
I want to see your paccoek(i lol)cock(i almost fall off my chair)cock(I fell of my chair laughing)
Posted by: Sunil | February 02, 2012 at 04:12 AM