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September 23, 2008


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I couldn't agree more. Both of my roomates are on law review and while they seem to have an excellent grasp on how to cite the names of cases from the Tax Court and Board of Tax Appeals (a la bluebook rule 14.5.3), both have a considerable misconception of what good scholarship, and a worthy intellectual pursuit, actually are.

Furthermore, I'll argue that law review membership actually manufactures a worse law student. Focus on the minutiae and tedium of the bluebook usurps intellectual energies that could otherwise be spent actually thinking - actually reflecting - or, wait for it, solving actual problems. Instead, law review stifles the thought process and bounds the member to a stressful, and let's face it, pointless experience contained within the 415 blue pages of a spiral notebook.

What law review DOES do is inform a prospective employer that you are willing to sign your life away to tedium in the future forms of empty research exercises and "due diligence." Membership on law review informs a firm that you are willing to be intellectually shackled to build your resume: And if you're willing to do that for a resume builder, imagine the depths of sludge you can be dragged through for money.

When the great axe falls and a "review" of a higher sort is in order, I like to picture a law review member standing at the pearly gates, while a winged guard asks the reason that he joined law review. That's when the reality of his decision will have caught up with him, he'll put his hand over his eyes, slump his shoulders, and he will cry.


Haha. Wow.

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