Is this what California needs - another Top 20 law school? It's Dean Erwin Chemerinsky's long term goal to make UC Irvine’s new law school "one of the top 20 in the nation, along with Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA and USC."
That's great. Popular wisdom these days would indicate that we should all be afraid of further market saturation, and that Irvine grads may have nowhere to go after being minted. However, it will take a while for Irvine to establish itself next to Stanford. By that time, the market may have picked up and Top 20 JDs may once again be in demand.
Still, I wonder how the folks over at the Hastings and Davis (not to mention the non-UC affiliated ABA Accredited California Law Schools) feel about having the new kid on the block lay claim to the Top 20 so very very early in the game, since they've been doing their (non-Top 20) thing for so many years. Has Chemerinsky set a realistic goal here? We just don't know.