With all due respect to my editor, the summer before law school I definitely did not read about law school. (I did do quite a bit of reading that summer, but I mainly read books I was assigned in undergrad, hadn’t read, but had always told myself I would read eventually.)
Yesterday, I read an item on Law Vibe from a few weeks ago which listed the Top 10 Law Student Books of the Moment. Needless to say, they are all about success in law school.
Then, today, I read an article exploring the possibility of a Supreme Court Justice Hillary Clinton. I should mention: my boy Professor Carlton Larson came up with this idea a whole month ago (unless he also ripped it off of somebody).
Where am I going with this? I'll tell you what. I am going to make a book recommendation! It is even law-related.
I recommend you take a look at The Nine, by CNN law guy Jeffrey Toobin.
As I read the Supreme Court Justice Hillary Clinton article, I was reminded of some of the blatantly political Supreme Court appointments and decisions Toobin discusses. Its an interesting read and points out some trends and outlooks that are probably as essential to law school success as anything you’ll read in your copy of “Top 10 Ways to Ace Law School, Dominate Law Review, and Earn a Million Dollars a Month for Life.”
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