In an effort to expose you to what you can be expecting from visiting professors this summer and beyond, I've compiled a handy little list that's culled from The Faculty Lounge's more exhaustive nationwide list. Below you can find names and concentrations (I Googled them for you, you're welcome) for some of the professors who will be showing up to educate you at your various California law schools. Feel free to scroll to yours.
Sam Bagenstos, visiting from Washington University, Spring 2009. Field: Civil Rights, Anti-Discrimination, Disability Law.
Fred Bloom, St. Louis, 2008-2009. Constitutional Law, Courts. Voted Teacher of the Year.
Jacob Nussim, Bar-Ilan University, Fall 2008. Taxation, Economics, Regulation.
Margo Schlanger, Washington University, Spring 2008-2009. Civil Rights, Constitutional Law of Incarceration.
San Diego
Robin Barnes, visiting from Connecticut, 2008-2009. Field: Constitutional Law.
Paul Caron, Cincinnati, Summer 2008. Tax, Estates.
Barton Beebe, visiting from Cardozo, 2008-2009. Field: Intellectual Property
Eric Feldman, Penn, 2008-2009. Health Law, Torts, Japanese Law, Law and Society.
Bob Gordon, Yale, 2008-2009. Legal History, Law and Globalization.
Elizabeth Joh, UC Davis, 2008-2009. Criminal Law, Law and Society.
Laura Rosenbury, Washington University, Fall 2008. Children and the Law.
Adam Samaha, Chicago, 2008-2009. Constitutional Law.
Anne Bloom, visiting from Pacific McGeorge, 2008-2009. Field: Torts, Feminist Legal Theory.
C.J. Peters, Wayne State, Fall 2008. Civil Procedure.
UC Berkeley
Tristin Green, visiting from Seton Hall, 2008-2009. Field: Employment Discrimination.
David Oppenheimer, Golden Gate, Fall 2008. Labor/Employment, Litigation/Dispute Resolution.
Michael Green, visiting from Wake Forest, Fall 2008. Field: Torts. One of the country's most "respected experts," apparently.
UC Hastings
Rob Schwartz, visiting from New Mexico. Field: Health Law.
Ed. Note: Please feel free to email us if you're aware of any visiting professors not on this list.
Wow this is awesome. I'm glad the two people we have are teaching in areas I'm really interested in.
Posted by: Abony Holmes | May 02, 2008 at 01:57 PM